Thursday, June 10, 2010

IMTA or Work Permit

What you should to know about the IMTA "Work Permit"

According to the Indonesian regulation, the certain conditions and rules of the work permit are:

1. IMTA, Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing or Work Permit is the authorization given to a company to employ a foreigner.

2. Work permit is an instrument that regulates, protects and structures the use of foreign workers for the benefit of the Indonesian workers and society.

3. Expatriates require to a sponsorship company in order to be able to work in Indonesia;

4. Sponsorship should come from a company that exist under the law of Indonesia with a special terms and condition that enable the company to employ foreign workers.

5. Expatriates is subject to the Monthly Income Tax (PPH 21) that must be paid and reported monthly and then summarized at the end of the year under the Sponsorship Company

6. Expatriates is subjected to DPKK payment (USD 100 /month)

7. DPKK stand for Dana Pengembangan Keterampilan dan Keahlian/Skill Development Fund.

8. Work Permits under 6 months validity are kinds of Single Entry

9. Work Permits with 6 months validity upwards are kinds of Multiple Entries.

For your further inquiries, please click on the link below,
By Harry –@ June 2010

Voa only for 30 days, and extendable..

Update News: Visa on Arrival
by Admin - 2010

Visa on Arrival now is only valid for one type application, a 30 days only.
This is referring to the PERMENHUMHAM No.M.HH.01.GR.01.06 dated on 12 January 2010.
There are 4 main points described within the decree, there are:
1. VoA is 30 days, and the cost is USD25 per application
2. VoA is extendable for maximum 30 days, and the extension can be done for one time only.VoA can not be changed into the limited stay permit
3. VoA is applicable toward the established "Special Economic Zone"
4. Timor Leste is added into the list of "Special Economic Zone"

Note: By the issuance of this decree, others prior laws and decrees related with VoA has been replaced as well.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BIKIN Paspor, yuukk…

By. Harry
Kamis, 23 April 2009

1)Mengisi formulir permohonan paspor RI dengan benar dan lengkap
(perdim 11, yang dapat diperoleh di kantor imigrasi

2)Melampirkan berkas asli dan foto kopi identitas diri, antara lain ;
 Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP);
 Akte Kelahiran (KK) dan atau Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar/Ijazah;
 Surat Kawin/Akte Nikah bagi yang telah menikah;

3)Paspor RI yang lama bagi pemohon penggantian paspor RI;

4)Surat ganti nama (jika direncanakan akan dilakukan perubahan atau pergantian nama)

5)Rekomendasi tertulis dari atasan atau pimpinan bagi mereka yang bekerja sebagai PNS, karyawan BUMN, TNI/Polri atau Karyawan Swasta;

6)Pemohon melakukan pembayaran sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku
(Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2007 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak di lingkungan Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI).

1)Mengisi formulir permohonan paspor RI dengan benar dan lengkap (perdim 11, yang dapat diperoleh di kantor imigrasi);
2) Melampirkan berkas asli dan fotokopi identitas diri, antara lain;
a.akte lahir;
b.KTP orang Tua;
c.Kartu Keluarga;
d.STTB/Ijazah, atau Akte Lahir Orang Tua;
e.Surat Kawin/Nikah Orang Tua;
f.Foto Kopi Paspor Orang Tua yang masih berlaku;
3)Paspor RI yang lama bagi pemohon penggantian paspor RI;
4)Melampirkan surat pernyataan tertulis materai Rp 6000 dari Orang Tua.
5)Pemohon melakukan pembayaran sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku (Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19 Tahun 2007 tentang Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak di lingkungan Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia RI).
Last update on ( Senin, 04 Mei 2009 )

Rencana: VoA 7 hari untuk kolektif

Ditjenim mendukung diberlakukannya VoA 7 hari untuk kolektif

Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD)provinsi Kepulauan Riau mengadakan rapat bersama untuk membahas mengenai Visa on Arrival US$10 untuk kawasan ekonomi khusus Bintan, Batam dan Karimun, bertempat diruang Rapat Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi, gedung Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi lantai VII, Kuningan, Jakarta.

Directorate General of Immigration and the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD)Riau Islands province held a joint meeting to discuss on Visas on Arrival of U.S. $ 10 for a special economic zone of Bintan, Batam and Karimun, in Meeting room of the Director General of Immigration, which taken place the building of Directorate General of Immigration Seventh floor, Kuningan, Jakarta

Peserta rapat dari Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi diwakili oleh: Plt. Direktur Jenderal Imigrasi, DR.Muhammad Indra; Direktur Dokumen Perjalanan,Visa dan Fasilitas Keimigrasian, Djoni Muhammad,SH; Direktur Penyidikan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian, Drs.M.Husin Alaydrus,SH.MH; dan Para Kepala Bagian di lingkungan Sekretariat Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi dan Para Kasubdit. Dari Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) provinsi Kepulauan diwakili oleh Ketua, Abdul Azis,S.Sos; Rudy Chua,SE, Sekretaris; Drs.H.Sofyan Samsir, Anggota; Joko Nugroho,ST, Anggota; H.Yudi Carsana, SE.MM.

The meeting participants were, from the Directorate General of Immigration is represented by:
Plt. Director General of Immigration, DR.Muhammad Indra; Director of Travel Documents, Visas and Immigration facilities, Djoni Muhammad, SH; Director of Investigation and Repression of Immigration, Drs.M.Husin Alaydrus, SH.MH; and the Head of the Secretariat within the Directorate General of Immigration and the Head of Sub. From the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) Islands province is represented by the Chairman, Abdul Azis, S. Sos, Rudy Chua, SE, Secretary; Drs.H.Sofyan Samsir, Members; Joko Nugroho, ST, Member; H. Yudi Carsana, SE . MM.

Pertemuan ini untuk menindaklanjuti surat dari Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) provinsi Kepulauan Riau Nomor : 174/160/II/V/2010 tanggal 24 Mei 2010 perihal permohonan Rapat Koordinasi mengenai Visa on Arrival (VoA) US$ 10 untuk kawasan Bintan, Batam dan Karimun.

This meeting is held in order to follow-up the letter from the Regional Representatives Council (DPRD) in Riau Islands province Number: 174/160/II/V/2010 dated May 24, 2010 regarding the request for the Coordination Meeting on Visa on Arrival (VoA) is U.S. $ 10 for the region of Bintan, Batam and Karimun.

Source: Ditjen Imigrasi RI - Bhumi Pura Wira Wibhawa